Take a Sad Plot & Make It Better
February 1, 2021
How I took one sad plot and made it better, and what I learned from it.
February 25, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Alison Hill (I think her unofficial nickname is RMarkdown Whisperer) is going to talk to us on another of her strengths. Making things beautiful, and informative. She’s going to do her “Take a Sad Plot & Make it Better” talk, for us. In this talk, Alison will discuss one plot’s life cycle, from a sad Powerpoint slide to the finished product made with the ggplot2 package in R, and what she learnt from it.
Alison doesn’t need much introduction, she’ll be the main search result if you’re looking for RMarkdown info, xaringan inspiration, blogging and teaching online using R, among many other topics! Read about her here: https://alison.rbind.io/about/. If you’re on Twitter, you’d learn a lot by following https://twitter.com/apreshill.
Aside: Also have a look at Hugo Apéro, for some inspiration on building a presence online (https://hugo-apero.netlify.app/).